Selecting and Playing Styles
Starting with an Intro section
Each style has its own two- or four-measure Intro section. When used with the auto accompaniment, many of the
Intro sections also include special chord changes and embellishments to enhance your performance.
To start with an Intro section:
1) Press the [MAIN/AUTO FILL] button — to select which section (A or B) is to follow the Intro.
2) Press the [INTRO ENDING] button.
To actually start the Intro section, press the [START/STOP] button.
Using Sync Start with an Intro section
You can also use the Sync Start function with the special Intro section of the selected style.
To use Sync Start with an Intro section:
1) Press the [MAIN/AUTO FILL] button — to select which section (A or B) is to follow the Intro.
2) Press the [INTRO ENDING] button.
3) Press the [SYNC START] button to enable Sync Start, and start the Intro section and accompaniment by play-
ing any key on the keyboard. (When auto accompaniment is on, play a key or chord in the auto accompani-
ment area of the keyboard.)
Indicates selected section
(Main A or B).
INTRO≥AIndicates Intro standby.
Indicates selected section
(MAIN A or B).
INTRO≥AIndicates Intro standby.
Auto accompaniment