Program types in the PTY mode
NEWS News:
Short accounts of facts, events and publicly expressed views, reportage and actuality.
AFFAIRS Current affairs:
Topical program expanding or enlarging upon the news, generally in different presentation style or concept, including documentary debate, or analysis.
INFO Information:
Program whose purpose is to impart advice in the widest sense, including meteorological reports and forecasts, consumer affairs, medical help, etc.
SPORT Sport:
Program concerned with any aspect of sport.
EDUCATE Education:
Program intended primarily to educate, of which the formal element is fundamental.
DRAMA Drama:
All radio plays and serials.
CULTURE Culture:
Programs concerned with any aspect of national or regional culture, including religious affairs, philosophy, social science, language, theatre, etc.
SCIENCE Science:
Programs about the natural sciences and technology.
VARIED Varied:
Used for mainly
POP M Pop:
Commercial music, which would generally be considered to be of current popular appeal, often featuring in current or recent record sales charts.
ROCK M Rock:
Contemporary modern music, usually written and performed by young musicians.
M.O.R. M M.O.R.:
(Middle of the Road Music). Common term to describe music considered to be “easy- listening”, as opposed to Pop, Rock or Classical. Music in this category is often but not always, vocal, and usually of short duration (<5 min.).
LIGHT M Light classics:
Classical Musical for general, rather than specialist appreciation. Examples of music in this category are instrumental music, and vocal or choral works.
CLASSICS Serious classics:
Performances of major orchestral works, symphonies, chamber music, etc., including Grand Opera.
OTHER M Other music:
Musical styles not fitting into any of the above categories. Particularly used for specialist music, of which Jazz, Rhythm & Blues, Folk, Country, and Reggae are examples.