(8) Look in all directions, start the engine, and then start off slowly.
To board when it is difficult to balance at a standstill:
(1)Have the passenger(s) steady the water- craft, and then board as noted in the pre- vious section “Boarding alone”.
(2)Grip the handlebars with both hands, place both feet on the floor of the footwell, and balance there.
(3)Have the first passenger board using the same procedure as the operator, place their feet on the floor of the footwell, se- curely hold on to the operator, and bal- ance there.
(4)Attach the engine
(5)Look in all directions, and then start the engine and operate at trolling speed.
(6)Have the second passenger pull them- selves up onto the boarding platform into a kneeling position and balance there. Look in all directions, and then gradually accelerate. Then, have the second pas-
senger crawl onto the seat while maintaining their balance.
(7)Have the second passenger sit astride the seat, place their feet on the floor of the footwell, securely hold on to the per- son in front of them or to the handgrip provided, and balance there.
(8)Make sure that the passenger(s) have their feet on the floor of the footwell and are securely holding on to the person in front of them or to the handgrip provided, and then gradually increase the speed to balance the watercraft.
Starting offEWJ00711
To avoid collisions:
●Scan constantly for people, objects, and other watercraft. Be alert for conditions that limit your visibility or block your vi- sion of others.