CONTROLS, sequencer controls, 61
COPY MEASURE, song job 2, 98
COPY SONG, song job 1, 96
COPY TRACK, song job 1, 97
CREATE MEASURE, song job 2, 98
CRESCENDO, song job 3, 103
CS, see continuous slider
CS ASSIGN, utility mode controllers, 147
CURSOR, cursor position at power on, 46, front panel diagram
description, 14, how to use, 42, location when selecting tracks and
functions, 46
CURVE, synthesizer setup velocity curve, 145
CUTOFF, aftertouch controller, 122, filter, 116, foot controller, 123,
modulation wheel controller, 123
DATA, backup and storage, 5, data delete, 92, data entry functions and
methods, 41, data entry keypad, 42, data move, 92, how to save and
load data, 64, inserting data, 94, modes and functions for managing
data, 38, new data value, 92, organizing and managing data, 65,
receiving bulk voice data, 144, sequence/tempo track data change,
92, sequence/tempo track data insert, 93, step recording data input,
90, types of data that can be changed, 93, voice bulk data dump,
DATA/CURSOR BUTTON, front panel diagram description, 14, on and
off status, 42
DATA BACKUP AND STORAGE, safety precautions, 5
DATA CHANGE, accessing data change, 92, changing data, 92, locating
data, 92, sequence/tempo track data change, 92
DATA CHANGE TEMPO TRACK, how to access, 93
DATA ENTRY, data entry keypad, 42, various data entry functions and
methods, 41
DATA ENTRY KEYPAD, front panel diagram description, 14, how to use,
DATA INPUT, step recording, 90, how to access, 93, inserting data, 93,
locating data, 93, sequence/tempo track data insert, 93
DATA INSERT TEMPO TRACK, how to access, 94
DECAY, drum voice key parameter, 126
DEFINING A SONG MULTI, steps in the process, 74
DELAY/REVERB MODULE, system effect diagram and description, 79
DELETE, data delete, 92, deleting notes in sequence track graph, 91, step
recording back delete, 90, step recording, 90
DELETE FILE, disk mode, 140
DELETE MEASURE, song job 2, 99
DEMONSTRATION SONGS, loading and playing the demonstration
songs, 52
DIAGRAM, AWM element, 30, 104, front panel, 10, insertion effects and
system effects, 28, normal and drum voice mixer channels, 24,
normal voice and drum voice, 106, song multi screen, 76, system
overview diagram, 18, voice bank chart, 49, voice categories, 27,
voice categories, 47
DIRECTORY, file directory, 132, song directory, 81
DISK, description of disk mode, 40, disk mode, 131
DISK DRIVE, how to use and proper care of, 6
DISK MODE, accessing disk mode functions, 131, delete file, 140, disk
status, 133, entering and exiting disk mode, 131, feature reference,
131, format disk, 141, load from disk, 136, moving around in disk
mode, 131, operating modes description, 21, rename file, 139, save
to disk, 134, selecting files, 132
DISK STATUS, accessing disk status function, 133, disk mode, 133
DRUM, drum voice edit mode, 124
DRUM VOICE, description and diagram, 106, effect parameters, 127,
mixer channel diagram, 24
DRUM VOICE, voice bank abbreviation codes and descriptions, 26
DRUM VOICE BANKS, chart of list and description of each, 49
DRUM VOICE COMMON PARAMETER, drum voice edit mode, 125
DRUM VOICE EDIT MODE, accessing voice edit parameters, 124, effect,
127, entering and exiting drum voice edit mode, 124, voice edit
mode, 124
DRUM VOICE KEY PARAMETER, drum voice edit mode, 125
EDIT, accessing drum voice edit parameters, 124
EDIT, accessing normal voice edit parameters, 109, edit confirm on/off,
149, editing a voice, 108, normal voice edit mode, 109, normal
voice edit mode, 124, steps in editing a voice, 58, voice edit/
compare, 108, voice editing overview, 33
EDIT/COMPARE, voice edit/compare, 108
EDIT CONFIRM, utility mode other setup, 149
EFFECT, accessing drum voice effect parameters, 127, accessing normal
voice effect parameters, 119, drum voice edit mode, 127, drum
voice effect mode, 127, drum voice insertion effect parameter, 127,
drum voice insertion effect type, 127, mixer insertion effect switch,
77, mixer master return level, 77, mixer system effect sends, 77,
normal voice edit mode, 119, normal voice effect mode, 119, normal
voice insertion effect control, 120, normal voice insertion effect
parameter, 120, normal voice insertion effect type, 119, song multi
screen, 36, system effect drum voice send level, 127, system effect
normal voice send level, 119, system effect parameter select, 78,
system effect parameter, 79, system effect type select, 77, system
effect type, 79
EFFECT MODE, drum voice insertion effect type, 127, normal voice
insertion effect type, 119
EG, see envelope generator
EG BIAS, aftertouch controller, 122, foot controller, 123, modulation
wheel controller, 123
EG RANGE, element pitch sensitivity, 118