162 Chapter 13—Internal Effects
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
About Plug-Ins
If you installed a mini-YGDAI card that supports the Effects function into Slot 1 or 2, you
can use plug-in effects in addition to the internal effects processors.
You can patch Bus signals or channel insert outs to the plug-in input. The plug-in output
can be patched to Input Channels or channel insert ins.
To use the plug-in effects, press the [EFFECT] button repeatedly until the Effect | P-IN Edit1
or P-IN Edit 2 page appears. If you installed a mini-YGDAI card in Slot 1, use the P-IN Edit1
page to set the plug-in. If you installed the card in Slot 2, use the P-IN Edit2 page.
For details on using plug-ins, refer to the owner’s manual that came with the plug-in card.
As of July 2004, the DM1000 supports the following plug-in cards. Visit the Yamaha web site
for the latest information on compatible plug-in cards.
The Y56K card setting is stored in memory in the card when you store scenes, and is recalled
at the time of scene recall. The setting is not stored in a scene memory on the DM1000.
Therefore, the setting does not support the scene memory’s Global Paste, Sort, and Auto
Update functions.
Note: The Y56K card supports scenes #1-96. If you store or recall a scene # 97 or subsequent
scenes, the Y56K card setting will not respond. (In this case, a warning message appears.)