Basic Playing Techniques
Octave ShiftThe octave keys can be used to shift the pitch up or
down by one, two, or three octaves while playing, as fol-
[Up 2] Octave Key 3 octaves up
[Up 1] + [Up 2] Octave Keys 2 octaves up
[Up 1] Octave Key 1 octave up
[Down 1] Octave Key 1 octave down
[Down 1] + [Down 2] Octave Keys 2 octaves down
[Down 2] Octave Key 3 octaves down
Pitch Bend WheelThe WX5 pitch bend wheel makes it possible to pro-
duce smooth upward and downward bends over a greater
range than is possible via lip control. Rolling the wheel
upward (towards the mouthpiece end of the instrument)
produces an upward pitch bend, and rolling the wheel
downward produces a downward pitch bend.
Bend Up
Bend Down
• Using the neck strap and thumb hook provides maxi-
mum instrument stability, making it easier to produce
accurate pitch bends using the pitch bend wheel.
• Set the required pitch bend range via the correspond-
ing parameter on your tone generator.
• Don’t turn the WX5 power on while moving the pitch
bend wheel. Doing so will cause the center wheel po-
sition to shift, thereby causing the instrument to play
out of tune.
• Be careful not to accidentally press the Key Hold but-
ton while operating the Pitch Bend Wheel.
Changing the Pitch Bend Wheel Function
The function of the pitch bend in the upward and down-
ward directions (i.e. the MIDI data it generates when
rolled upward or downward) can be changed by using
the Setup and Octave buttons while the pitch bend wheel
is rolled all the way up or down, as listed below:
Pitch bend wheel + Setup Button + Octave Key
Modulation wheel data
Pitch bend down data
Control change #16 (0 … 127) data
Control change #17 (0 … 127) data
Brightness up (control change #74) data
Brightness down (control change #74) data
• When brightness control is selected, the wheel trans-
mits control change #74 value 64 at its center posi-
tion, value 127 in the maximum upward position, and
value 0 in the maximum downward position.
• According to GM (General MIDI) specifications, con-
trol change numbers #16 and #17 are non-reserved
and available for general use. If your tone generator
allows parameters to be assigned to MIDI control num-
bers, you can use the pitch bend wheel to control any
available parameter. With the VL70-m, for example,
you might want to assign the scream, growl, or other
expressive parameters to control change numbers #16
and #17, so that they can be controlled via the WX5
pitch control wheel.
Pitch Bend Wheel + Setup Button + [Up 2] Octave Key
Pitch Bend Wheel + Setup Button + [Up 1] Octave Key
Pitch Bend Wheel + Setup Button + [Down 1] Octave Key
Hi ct
nrm fix
nrm hrd
nrm wide
off on
tht loos
B Fl
off on
PB gen
MW filt
off on
Octave key
[Up 2], [Up 1],
[Down 1], [Down 2]
Pitch bend up data
Pitch bend down data
Pitch Bend Wheel + Setup Button + [Down 2] Octave Key