MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Window: Mixer section (when the Voice/Multi is set to “Multi”)
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual 20
Rcv Channel (Receive Channel)
Determines the MIDI Receive Channel for each Part.
Output Select
Determines the specific output(s) for the individual Part. The following settings are available.
* When a Normal Voice is assigned to the edited Part, this value is indicated as “L&R (dr)” and the sound will be
output via the OUTPUT L and R jacks in stereo. When a Drum Voice is assigned to the edited Part, this value is
indicated as “drum” and the sound will be output via the jacks set in the Drum Key Edit as the Output Select
parameter on the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor.
nDepending on the setting of the Quick Setup (page 33), the audio signal of Parts which are set to “L&R” or
“m1” – “m14” or “m1&2” – “m13&14” will be output via the OUTPUT L/R jack as well as mLAN.
ARP (Arpeggio)
Turns Arpeggio playback on or off for each Part.
nUp to four Parts can play back the Arpeggio simultaneously.
When [mLAN Part] is selected:
This section lets you edit parameters for the mLAN Part in the Multi mode. Clicking “mLAN” row turns
this section on as illustrated below.
Cho, Rev, Pan (Chorus, Reverb, Pan)
Adjusts the Chorus Send level, Reverb Send level and stereo Pan position for the mLAN Part by using
the knob icons.
Adjusts the Volume for the mLAN Part.
Output Select
Determines the specific output(s) for the mLAN Part. The available settings are the same as those of the
mLAN Part in the Voice mode. Refer to page 16.
LCD Output jacks Stereo/Mono
L&R OUTPUT L and R Stereo
m1&2 mLAN OUTPUT 1 and 2 Stereo (1: L, 2: R)
m3&4 mLAN OUTPUT 3 and 4 Stereo (3: L, 4: R)
m5&6 mLAN OUTPUT 5 and 6 Stereo (5: L, 6: R)
m7&8 mLAN OUTPUT 7 and 8 Stereo (7: L, 8: R)
m9&10 mLAN OUTPUT 9 and 10 Stereo (9: L, 10: R)
m11&12 mLAN OUTPUT 11 and 12 Stereo (11: L, 12: R)
m13&14 mLAN OUTPUT 13 and 14 Stereo (13: L, 14: R)
m1 mLAN OUTPUT 1 Mono
:: :
m14 mLAN OUTPUT 14 Mono
drum See below* See below*