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Select a Song For a Lesson

Yamaha Education Suite

You can select song you like and use it for a left-hand, right-hand, or both-hands lesson. You can also use songs (only SMF format 0) downloaded from the Internet and saved to flash memory. (pages 82–84) During the lesson you can play as slowly as you like, and you can even play wrong notes. Song playback will slow down to a speed you can handle. It’s never too late to start learning!

Lesson Flow:

Select a song from the Piano Solo, Piano Ensemble category!


Select the



Select the part you want



Select lesson














song you want



to work on (right hand,











1, 2, or 3.






to learn.



left hand, both hands).








































The practice methods:

Lesson 1 .............. Learn to play the correct notes.

Lesson 2 .............. Learn to play the correct notes with the correct timing.

Lesson 3 .............. Learn to play the correct notes at the correct timing along with the song.

Lesson 1—Waiting

In this lesson, try playing the correct notes. Play the note shown in the display. The song will wait until you play the right note.

1 Select a song for your lesson.

Press the [SONG] button, and rotate the dial to select the song you want to use for your lesson. As listed on page 28 there are a variety of song types. For this example try selecting the “012 ForElise”.



36 DGX-220/YPG-225 Owner’s Manual