Song Lesson
PSR-E323/YPT-320 Owner’s Manual 31
Listening Timing Waiting
You can select any Song you like and use it for a left-hand, right-hand, or
both-hands lesson. Song Lesson lets you learn how to play Songs in three
easy steps. Songs that can be used with the Lesson feature include Songs
transferred from a computer to flash memory (SMF Format 0 only; see
page 60). The procedure for transferring songs are described on page 61.
The lesson modes:
1 Listening................. Listen and learn the melody or rhythm of a selected Song.
2 Timing..................... Learn to play the notes at the correct timing along with the Song.
3 Waiting.................... Learn to play the correct notes.
1Select the desired Song for your lesson.
For instructions on how to select a Song, see page 16. If you want to
practice a Song you’ve transferred from a computer, select one of the
Songs beginning from Song number 108.
The instrument includes 102 built in Songs. Some Songs (as shown
below) are intended for use as right-hand lessons, and cannot be used
for left-hand or both-hands lessons.
● Songs for right-hand lesson
Song numbers: 020–050, 071–076, 079
•User Songs cannot be used
for the lesson.