Zanussi ZBF 6114 manual Freezing calendar, Thawing, Making ice cubes, Normal Operating Sounds

Models: ZBF 6114

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Freezing calendar

The symbols on the drawers show different types of frozen goods.

The numbers indicate storage times in months for the appropriate types of frozen goods. Whether the upper or lower value of the indicated storage time is valid depends on the quality of the foods and pre- treating before freezing.


Frozen food, prior to being used, can be thawed in the fridge or at room temperature depending on the time available. Small food items may even be cooked from frozen; in this case cooking will take longer. Any frozen food which is allowed to thaw accidentally should either be eaten as soon as possible or thrown away. Alternatively, if the food is uncooked and has not been completely defrosted it can be cooked and then refrozen.

Defrosted cooked food must never be refrozen.

Making ice cubes

The appliance is provided with a plastic ice cube tray. Fill the tray 3/4 full to allow the ice to expand and place it in the freezer. To turn out the ice cubes simply give the tray a slight twist to release the cubes.

Never tray to free an ice tray that is frozen to the freezer using a sharp or pointed object.

Normal Operating Sounds

You may hear faint gurgling or bubbling sounds when the refrigerant is pumped through the coils or tubing at the rear, to the fixed freezer shelves.

When the compressor is on, the refrigerant is being pumped round, and you will hear a whirring sound or pulsating noise from the compressor.

A thermostat controls the compressor, and you will hear a faint ‘click’ when the thermostat cuts in and out.


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Zanussi ZBF 6114 manual Freezing calendar, Thawing, Making ice cubes, Normal Operating Sounds