Zanussi ZI 718/12 K manual What Happens If Something Is Wrong? Gb, The appliance does not work

Models: ZI 718/12 K

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Before contacting your local Zanussi Service Centre, check the following points:

The appliance does not work

Check that:



There is power at the socket.


Ensure that there is not a power cut by



checking the household lights.


The fuse has not blown.


The air circulation passages are not covered.


The thermostat dial is in the correct position.





Vibration or abnormal noises...

You may hear faint gurgling or bubbling sounds



when the refrigerant is pumped through the



coils of tubing at the rear, to the cooling



plate/evaporator. When the compressor is on,



the refrigerant is being pumped round, and you



will hear a whirring or pulsating noise from the



compressor. A thermostat controls the



compressor, and you will hear a faint “click”



when the thermostat cuts in and out.





Traces of water on the bottom of the

The defrosting water discharge hole is not

fridge compartment...






The light does not come on...

The bulb is fitted correctly.


Replace the bulb if it has blown.





Fridge does not defrost...

The thermostat setting is not too high (see page









Other points to check...

Have you turned the thermostat to the correct





Have doors been left open causing the



temperature to rise?


Sometimes the freezer door will be difficult to



open shortly after you have closed it. Don’t



worry this is due to pressure difference which



will quickly equalise and allow the door to open




Low ambient operation




During prolonged periods of low ambient temperatures,ie;10°C and lower, the compressor on single compressor fridge freezer can remain inoperative during this time .

This is due to the air temperature within the refrigerator compartment being maintained at 6°C or under thus not calling the thermostat to energise the compressor .

During a normal night time period of approximately 8 hours a traditional fridge freezer can normally maintain the frozen food temperature bur if the appliance is left for longer period in a low ambient the freezer will defrost .

If, after the above checks, there is still a fault, call your local Zanussi Service Centre, whose address can be found in the accompanying Customer Care Booklet, and can also be found in your local telephone directory under «Z». Please make sure you give the model and serial number of the appliance. This information can be found on the rating plate inside the fridge compartment on the left side behind the salad drawer, or on the guarantee certificate. Original spare parts can be purchased from Zanussi Service Centres.


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Zanussi ZI 718/12 K What Happens If Something Is Wrong? Gb, The appliance does not work, Check that, fridge compartment