8. Operation
Checking oil supply
After starting the engine, run the chain at medium speed and see if chain oil has scattered off, as shown in the figure.
(1) Chain oil
The oil reservoir has a capacity sufficient to provide about 40 minutes of cutting time (when set to deliver the minimum flow rate, or about as long as you’ll get from a tank of fuel). Be sure to refill the oil tank every time when refuelling the saw.
Adjusting Oil Flow Rate
Never fill the oil reservoir nor adjust the oiler with the en- gine running.
An increase in bar oil flow rate will speed oil consumption, re- quiring more frequent checks on the oil reservoir. To ensure suf- ficient lubrication, it may be necessary to check the oil level more frequently than at fuel tank refills.
The guide bar and chain are lubricated automatically by a pump that operates whenever the chain rotates. The pump is set at the factory to deliver a minimum flow rate, but it can be ad- justed in the field. A temporary increase in oil flow is often desir- able when cutting things like hardwood or wood with a lot of pitch.
Adjust the pump as follows:
1.Stop the engine and make sure the stop switch is in the OFF position.
2.Place the unit on its side with the oil reservoir up.
(1) Oil tank (2) Chain cover
The oil flow adjusting screw must be pressed in slightly in order to turn. Failure to do so could damage the pump and screw.
3.With a screwdriver, push in on the oil flow rate adjusting screw and turn in the desired direction (there are three incremen- tal settings):
•Always wear work gloves made of leather or some other sturdy material when using the polesaw.
•Falling branches may fall onto the face or into the eyes, resulting in injuries, scratches, and cuts, and for this rea- son you should always be sure to wear a helmet and face protector when using your polesaw.