Chapter 1: Installation Instructions
you usually have to make special arrangements
with your Internet service provider to get one.)
Enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default
Gateway, and DNS that you plan to use. Click
Save Changes, then click Write Settings to
• To configure your settings manually if Automatic Configuration does
not work:
On the ADSL Setup page, enter your Protocol,
Encapsulation, VPI, and VCI settings in the
appropriate fields. Your service provider should
supply these values. If you do not know these settings,
refer to Appendix A on page 139.
NAT (Network Address Translation) is Enabled by
default. This feature lets multiple users access the
Internet sharing a single IP address. Enabled is
typically the correct setting. Select Disable in the
unlikely event that you want to assign different public
IP addresses to each network user.
Depending on the Protocol setting you selected, the
bottom half of the page will change so that you can
enter additional information.
If you selected PPPoA or PPPoE, enter your
ADSL Username and Password in the
appropriate boxes. Your Internet Service Provider
should have given this information to you. (Your
Username is typically your email address or the
characters preceding the @ sign in your email
address.) These entries are not the same
Username and Password that you used earlier to
open the Zoom Configuration Manager.
If you selected 1483 Bridged or 1483 Routed,
you have the option of using either dynamic or
static IP addressing. Depending on your situation,
select the appropriate option button:
− [MOST USERS] Ensure that Obtain an IP
address Automatically is selected if you are
using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(also known as DHCP or dynamic IP
addressing). This option is selected by default