Changing Your VoIP Settings
The User Configuration link on the Your VoIP Account page
lets you add or change settings such as Speed Dials, Call
Forwarding, and Call Waiting/Caller ID. Click the Help button
on each page for configuration tips.
On each page, when you complete your changes, click Save These
Settings to save your information and write it to flash memory.
Note: Many VoIP settings can be controlled from your telephone
keypad. See Controlling the X6v from Your Phone on page 70.
Speed Dials
To open the Speed Dials page, where you can enter up to 28
numbers into your speed dial list, click User Configuration:
Enter a complete phone number opposite a Speed Dial number.
For example, opposite *20 enter (123) 456-7890. Save your
changes. The next time you want to call (123) 456-7890, for
example, just dial *20.
Calls will be placed via VoIP or via your standard telephone service
according to the settings you entered on the My VoIP Account
page. In other words, if you configured calls starting with (456) to
go to your landline service, if you enter (456) 123 4567 as a Speed
Dial, that number will be dialed out over your TELCO line when
you invoke it through the Speed Dial feature.
ADSL X6v User Guide