ADSL X6v User Guide
Setting Description
Shared Secret If you selected RADIUS. Shared secrets
are used to verify that RADIUS
messages, with the exception of the
Access-Request message, are sent by a
RADIUS-enabled device that is
configured with the same shared secret.
You must use the same case-sensitive
shared secret on both RADIUS devices
(Client and Server).
Auth Control
Enable or disable Authentication
Control which allows AP to act as
802.1x Authenticator for wireless
Identity String Identity String or IP address of the
802.1x Authentication Server (Radius
Rekey Timeout Default is 600 seconds. Specifies time in
which WEP keys for the current session
will timeout and new ones are issued as
a deterrent to any attacker.
Key Transmission
Determines whether or not the
Authenticator (AP) is configured to
send WEP keys to supplicants (WL
Entropy Pool Can manually enter in “pool” of
characters. WEP keys dynamically
generated will be automatically
generated at random from this pool.
After you enter your values, click` Save Changes and then Write
Settings to Flash.