•Warranty Information.
•Date that you received your device.
•Brief description of the problem and the steps you took to solve it.
Corporate Headquarters (Worldwide)
•Web Site: www.zyxel.com, www.europe.zyxel.com
•FTP Site: ftp.zyxel.com, ftp.europe.zyxel.com
•Regular Mail: ZyXEL Communications Corp., 6 Innovation Road II, Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Costa Rica
•Web Site: www.zyxel.co.cr
•FTP Site: ftp.zyxel.co.cr
•Regular Mail: ZyXEL Costa Rica, Plaza Roble Escazú, Etapa El Patio, Tercer Piso, San José, Costa Rica
Czech Republic
•Web Site: www.zyxel.cz
•Regular Mail: ZyXEL Communications, Czech s.r.o., Modranská 621, 143 01 Praha 4 - Modrany, Ceská Republika
•Web Site: www.zyxel.dk
•Regular Mail: ZyXEL Communications A/S, Columbusvej, 2860 Soeborg, Denmark