Chapter 3 Managing Your PLA-400/402

Figure 15 Firmware Screen

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 3 Firmware Screen




This field identifies which PLA-400/402 is displayed. The power line adapter is


identified by the Ethernet interface (network card) connected directly to the PLA-400/


402. The displayed information is the model name of the network card. Typically there


is only one connection, however, if your computer has two network cards and both


are connected to a PLA-400/402, then you have two power line networks.




These fields are used when you want to upgrade the firmware or the PIB (Parameter


Information Block) file on the local device. The local device is the PLA-400/402


directly connected to the computer running the configuration utility.



Open PIB File

Parameter Information Block (PIB) contains information which tells the PLA-400/402


how to perform basic operating instructions.


Click Browse to locate the PIB file you want to upload to the PLA-400/402.




Click Browse to find the firmware file you want to upload to the PLA-400/402.




Note: Remember that you must decompress compressed (.zip)


files before you can upload them.




Click this to save the new PIB and firmware files to the PLA-400/402 that is directly


connected to the computer running the configuration utility. If the firmware/PIB file


upgrade is successful, a confirmation window displays “Commit Successful”.


Note: If you receive an error message make sure that your paths


point to the correct files before you click the Write button.



PLA-400/402 Series User’s Guide