ZyXEL X-550 User’s Guide

3.3.6 TOOLS - Firmware

The Firmware Upgrade section can be used to update your router to the latest firmware code to improve functionality and performance.

To upgrade the firmware, follow these steps:

Click the Browse button to locate the Wireless upgrade file on your computer.

Once you have found the file to be used, click the Upload button below to start the firmware upgrade process. This can take a minute or more.

Wait for the router to reboot. This can take another minute or more. Confirm updated firmware revision on status page.

Figure 3-25 TOOLS – Firmware


Here are displayed the version numbers of the firmware currently installed in your router and the most recent upgrade that is available.


Firmware upgrade cannot be performed from a wireless device. To perform an upgrade, ensure that you are using a PC that is connected to the router by wire.
