Allowing data from computers on a network to be accessed by other computers on the network with different levels of access rights
FirewallA device that protects resources of the Local Area Network from unauthorized users outside of the local network
FirmwareProgramming that is inserted into a hardware device that tells it how to function
FragmentationBreaking up data into smaller pieces to make it easier to store
FTPFile Transfer Protocol. Easiest way to transfer files between computers on the Internet
Sending and Receiving data at the same time
GainThe amount an amplifier boosts the wireless signal
GatewayA device that connects your network to another, like the internet
GbpsGigabits per second
Gigabit EthernetTransmission technology that provides a data rate of 1 billion bits per second
GUIGraphical user interface
H.323A standard that provides consistency of voice and video transmissions and compatibility for videoconferencing devices
Data cannot be transmitted and received at the same time
HashingTransforming a string of characters into a shorter string with a predefined length
The action of data packets being transmitted from one router to another
HostComputer on a network