Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
SOHOSmall Office/Home Office
SPIStateful Packet Inspection
SSHSecure Shell is a command line interface that allows for secure connections to remote computers
SSIDService Set Identifier is a name for a wireless network
Stateful inspectionA feature of a firewall that monitors outgoing and incoming traffic to make sure that only valid responses to outgoing requests are allowed to pass though the firewall
Subnet maskDetermines what portion of an IP address designates the Network and which part designates the Host
SyslogSystem Logger
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TCP RawA TCP/IP protocol for transmitting streams of printer data.
TFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol is a utility used for transferring files that is simpler to use than FTP but with less features
ThroughputThe amount of data that can be transferred in a given time period
TracerouteA utility displays the routes between you computer and specific destination
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
UnicastCommunication between a single sender and receiver