neglect, improper maintenance, unapproved modifications, or the use of parts not made or approved by the original equipment manufac- turer. You are responsible for presenting your small off--road engine to an Poulan authorized repair center as soon as a problem exists. War- ranty repairs should be completed in a reason- able amount of time, not to exceed 30 days. If you have any questions regarding your war- ranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized service cen- ter, call Poulan at 1--800--554--6723, or send e-mail correspondence to emission.warranty @HCOP--emission.com. WARRANTY COM- MENCEMENT DATE: The warranty period begins on the date the small off--road engine is purchased. LENGTH OF COVERAGE: This warranty shall be for a period of two years from the initial date of purchase, or until the end of the product warranty (whichever is longer). WHAT IS COVERED: REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. Repair or re- placement of any warranted part will be per- formed at no charge to the owner at an ap- proved Poulan servicing center. If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized service center, call Pou- lan at 1--800--554--6723, or send e-mail corre- spondence to emission.warranty@HCOP-- emission.com. WARRANTY PERIOD: Any warranted part which is not scheduled for re- placement as required maintenance, or which is scheduled only for regular inspection to the effect of “repair or replace as necessary” shall be warranted for 2 years. Any warranted part which is scheduled for replacement as re- quired maintenance shall be warranted for the period of time up to the first scheduled re- placement point for that part. DIAGNOSIS: The owner shall not be charged for diagnostic
labor which leads to the determination that a warranted part is defective if the diagnostic work is performed at an approved Poulan servicing center. CONSEQUENTIAL DAM- AGES: Poulan may be liable for damages to other engine components caused by the fail- ure of a warranted part still under warranty. WHAT IS NOT COVERED: All failures caused by abuse, neglect, or improper main- tenance are not covered. ADD-ON OR MO- DIFIED PARTS: The use of add--on or modi- fied parts can be grounds for disallowing a warranty claim. Poulan is not liable to cover fail- ures of warranted parts caused by the use of add--on or modified parts. HOW TO FILE A CLAIM: If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized service center, call Poulan at 1--800--554--6723, or send e-mail correspondence to emission. warranty@HCOP--emission.com. WHERE TO GET WARRANTY SERVICE: Warranty ser- vices or repairs shall be provided at all Poulan service centers. Call: 1--800--554--6723 or send e-mail correspondence to emission.warranty @HCOP--emission.com. MAINTENANCE,
REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR OF EMIS- SION RELATED PARTS: Any Poulan ap- proved replacement part used in the perfor- mance of any warranty maintenance or repair on emission related parts will be provided without charge to the owner if the part is under warranty. EMISSION CONTROL WARRAN- TY PARTS LIST: Carburetor, air filter (covered up to maintenance schedule), ignition system: spark plug (covered up to maintenance sched- ule), ignition module, muffler including catalyst (if equipped), fuel tank. MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: The owner is responsible for the performance of all required maintenance as defined in the instruction manual.
The information on the product label indicates which standard your engine is certified. Example: (Year) EPA and/or CALIFORNIA.
This engine is certified to be emissions compliant for the following use:
Moderate (50 hours)
Intermediate (125 hours) Extended (300 hours)