Using Your Weather Radio
The display will read “READY” if the reception is optimal, press the “LISTEN” button to manually check and listen to how good your reception is. If you do not have good reception, you may need to relocate the radio to an outside wall near a window.
RECEPTION of the WEEKLY TEST is the best way to ensure your radio will have proper reception during an emergency. The national weather service (NWS) conducts a required weekly test (RWT) of NOAA all hazards weather alert radios every Wednesday between 11 AM and 12 noon (central time), when weather permits.
The test consists of the RWT SAME code, a short tone and message explaining the test. If adverse weather prevents the test from being broadcasted on Wed., it is postponed until the next day with good weather. If the test is not conducted by Friday, it is postponed until the following Wednesday.
Listen Modes
The weather radio has three modes for handling alerts and listening to the weather report. Pressing the “LISTEN” button toggles between modes.
SILENCED: when the display reads “SILENCED”, the only AUDIO alerts you will receive will be WARNINGS. Advisories and watch alerts will still message on the display, and the LED will illuminate, but the audio report will not play.
AUTO ON: when the display reads “AUTO ON”, the audio report will play for all advisories, watches and warnings that it is programmed to respond to. Additionally, the alert message will scroll on the display, and the LED will illuminate.
LISTEN: when the display reads “LISTEN”, the audio weather report is ON.
Receiving Alerts
When an alert is issued by the NWS, the radio will automatically turn on, and the warning report will sound. Additionally, a text readout of the type of alert (advisory, watch or warning) will scroll across the display and the appropriate alert light will illuminate.
The NOAA radio function consumes batteries fairly quickly, around 3 days for standard alkaline batteries. This is due to the fact that the radio is always “listening” for alerts from the National Weather Service. To conserve batteries when necessary, you may choose to turn OFF the NOAA radio function by pressing and HOLDING the “PWR” button. Use caution when doing this, as you WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY ALERTS OF ANY KIND when “NOAA OFF” is displayed on the screen. Press and hold “PWR” to turn on again.
Silencing Alerts
When an alert is sounding, press the “LISTEN” button to silence the speaker. The display will read “SILENCED”. Please note that if you leave the radio in silenced mode, the audio report and siren for advisories and for watches will NOT sound. Only WARNINGS will sound as they cannot be silenced in any way, as mandated by NOAA.
Viewing Alert Message History
The weather alert radio will hold up to 4 messages in itʼs memory at a time, in sequence of when they were received.
To view the messages in history, press the “ ” or “ ” navigation buttons when the radio is showing the default clock display to cycle through history of the last 4 messages received. The HISTORY mode indicator will display to confirm you are looking at an older alert message. If there have been no messages received, the display will read “NO MESSAGES”