Karcher G 2401 OH manual Troubleshooting

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Loose fittings.

-Tighten fittings.

Missing/worn rubber washer.

-Insert new washer.


Spray wand not properly attached.

-Slide the spray wand into the gun. Turn the wand collar clockwise onto the gun threads until tight.

Broken o-ring.

-Call Kärcher customer service hotline and order an o-ring.


Pump is sucking air.

-Check that hoses and fittings are air tight. Turn off machine and purgepump by squeezing trigger gun until a steady flow of water emerges through the nozzle.


Loose fittings.

-Check that all fittings are tight.

Water seals are damaged or worn.

-Call service center.

Thermal protection device is activated.

-Thermal protection device will auto reset.


Oil seals are damaged or worn. Call service center.

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Kärcher Customer Support USA



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Kärcher Customer Service CDN



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Image 13
Contents 2401 OH High Pressure Washer Operator Manual SpecificationsModel G 2401 OH Overview Important Precautions Read First Assembly Instructions Operating Instructions Using the Accessories Working with Detergents Shutting Down House Siding With or without detergent Cleaning TipsCleaning Tips Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Especificaciones Manual del OperadorKärcher En USA Kärcher En Mexico Generalidades DEL Modelo G 2401 OH Precauciones Importantes Instrucciones DE Ensamblaje Instrucciones DE Operación %**&$&1&!#$#&=&? Trabajo CON Detergentes Desconexión Y Limpieza Sugerencias DE Limpieza Sugerencias DE Limpieza continuación Localizacion DE Fallas Mecanicas Localización DE Fallas Mecanicas continuación Caractéristiques Nettoyeur haute pression Manuel d’utilisationModèle G 2401 OH Généralités Précautions Importantes Lire d’abord Instructions D’ASSEMBLAGE Instructions D’OPÉRATION #4#+ #,8+,+%&9 Emploi DES AccessoiresDétergents de marque Kärcher disponibles Emploi DE DétergentsArrêt DE L’APPAREIL Conseils DE Nettoyage Conseils DE Nettoyage Suite Dépannage Dépannage Suite Service à la clientèle CDNPage