Black & Decker PW1500SP manual ΠµT §Ñ†dG äÉeƒ∏e

Page 30





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Image 30
Contents PW1500SP English Ø13 English Volt ÷ 25 m 25 ÷ 50 m 230 1,5 mm Safety must nots Safety instructionsSafety rules/residual risks Safety mustsGeneral information fig.1 Technical information fig.1Installation fig.2 Adjustment information fig.3 Information on use of the appliance fig.4Maintenance fig.5 Mains plug replacement U.K. & Ireland onlyTroubleshooting Problem Possible causes RemedyTechnical Data Unit PW1500Warranty Protecting the environmentFrançais Ø13 Français Volt ÷ 25 m 25 ÷ 50 m 230 1,5 mm Avertissements à ne pas faire Instructions pour la sécuritéRègles de sécurité/risques résiduels Avertissements à faireInformations générales fig.1 Informations techniques fig.1Dispositifs de sécurité Accessoires s’ils sont prévus dans la fourniture voir fig.1Parties principales MontageRéglages fig.3 Utilisation fig.4Remplacement des prises secteur RU et Irlande uniquement Entretien fig.5Anomalies Causes probables Solutions Anomalies de fonctionnementDonnées Techniques Protection de lenvironnement Garantie ¿Éª†dG ÁÄ«ÑdG ájɪM «fƒfÉ≤dG ¥ƒ≤ÉH≥```````aGƒ``````à``````dG QGô```````bEG »Hô¡µdG QÉ«à∏d á«aÉU ábhÉe ≈übCG ≠∏ÑJ∏µûŸG ∏ªàëŸG ÜÉÑSC’G¡MÓUEGh AÉ£NC’G ±ÉûµàSG ØjõîàdG ¢ù«FôdG ¢ùHÉ≤dG GóÑàSGÁgƒØdG ∞«¶æJ £N ôjòΠµT §Ñ†dG äÉeƒ∏e ΠµT Ö«cÎdG ΠµT á«æØdG äÉeƒ∏ŸG ΠµT áeÉY äÉeƒ∏e ÁeÓùdG äÉjQhöV ÁeÓùdG äɪ«∏JÁeÓùdG äGQƒ¶fi ÁæeɵdG ôWÉîŸG/áeÓùdG óYGƒb÷ 25 m 25 ÷ 50 m 230 1,5 mm Arabic Ø13 A1-A2-A3 Page Page Warranty Registration Card

PW1500SP specifications

The Black & Decker PW1500SP is a powerful and versatile electric pressure washer designed to tackle a variety of outdoor cleaning tasks. With a robust 1500 psi and a flow rate of 1.2 GPM, it delivers an effective clean, making it ideal for homeowners looking to maintain their driveways, patios, decks, and vehicles.

One of the standout features of the PW1500SP is its lightweight and compact design, which enhances portability. Weighing in at just 20 pounds, it can be easily maneuvered and stored in tight spaces. The pressure washer is equipped with a 20-foot high-pressure hose, offering ample reach for cleaning larger areas without the need to constantly move the unit.

The PW1500SP utilizes a powerful 13-amp motor, ensuring reliable performance and efficiency. The unit is designed for easy setup and operation, featuring a simple plug-and-play design that allows users to get started quickly. Additionally, it includes a built-in soap tank, enabling users to apply detergent for a deeper clean. This feature is especially useful for tackling tough grime and stains on outdoor surfaces.

Another key technology incorporated into the PW1500SP is its adjustable nozzle, which allows users to switch between different spray patterns, from a gentle mist for delicate surfaces to a focused spray for heavy-duty cleaning. This versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, including cleaning siding, washing cars, and blasting away mud and dirt from outdoor furniture.

Safety features are also integrated into the design of the PW1500SP. The unit includes a safety lock switch to prevent accidental operation, ensuring peace of mind during use. Furthermore, it features thermal protection to prevent overheating, enhancing its longevity.

Whether you need to freshen up your patio furniture or keep your driveway looking pristine, the Black & Decker PW1500SP pressure washer offers a blend of performance, convenience, and innovation. Its user-friendly design and robust capabilities make it a reliable choice for any homeowner looking to improve their outdoor cleaning regimen. Overall, the PW1500SP stands out as a versatile and effective cleaning solution, combining power and ease of use in a compact package.