Troy-Bilt 634BM, 634FM manual Lee passes, Allureo follow tins warmng, TerraceGardening

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Powercompostingsimply meanstillingunderand burying in thesoil all mannerof organic


When power

mattersuchas crop residues,leaves,grassclippingsandcovercrops. This materialwill de,

composting, do not keepthe

composeduring the non-growingseasonandadd imPortantnaturalnutrientsto the so

DepthRegulator Leverat a

Thefirst placeto beginis with crop residuessuchasleftovervines,stalks,stemsand roots•

deepsetting if the ti!ler jumps

Powercompostthesecrop residuesas soon astheyfinish bearing.Thesoonerthis isdone,

or bucks.



the better,astendergreenmatter is easierto till under. Usethe deepestdepthregulatorset-

If jumping or bucking occurs,

ting possiblewithout causingthe engineto laboror the tiller to jumpahead,

movethe DepthRegulator



Leverdown to ashallow


Standingcornstalksof reasonableheight can bepowercomposted.Pushing over (but not

setting andthen slowly


uprooting) cornstalkswill oftenmakeit easierto chop upthe stalks•Keepthe tines clearof

increasethe tilling depth on

excessivetangling by ,fishtailing"or frequentlyusing reverse.Makeseveralpasses,then re-

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Lee passes;, ...



t-allure[o follow tins warmng

Aftertilling undercrop residues,addmoreorganicmattersuchasleaves,grassclippingsand

cou d result

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evenkitchenscraps. Whentilled intothe soil,this organicmatterwill decomposeandadd




evenmore important nutrientsto the soil•





Afterpowercomposting,you maywantto planta "greenmanure'!covercrop to protectthe soil duringthe off-season. Yousimply grow a crop of clover,alfalfa, buckwheat,peas,beans,ryegrass, grain,or kaleandthen till it into the soil priorto the plantingseason.

Tilling OnSlopes

Readthe following recommendationsbeforetilling on slopes:

If you must gardenon a moderateslope,pleasefollow two very _mportantgmeennes:

1.Til!only on moderatemodes,neveron steepgroundwherefootingis difficult I reviewsafe- ry rules in Section1: Safetyof this manuaU.

2.We recommendtilling upand clownslopes ratherthan terracing. Tilling verticallyon a slopeallowsmax_murrplantingareaand also leavesroom for cultivating.

IMPORTANT,"Whentilling on slopes besurethe correct oil levelis maintainedinthe engine checkeveryone-halfhour of oeeratlonL Theinclineof the sloeewl causerne el to slant

awayfrom _tsnormal leveland _n_cans starveenginepartsof requiredlubrication. Keepme motorOHlevelat the full eoint at all times!

Tilling Up and DownSlopes (VerticalTilling)

WAF{NINEi: Do not operatetiller on aslope too steep for safe operation. Till slowly and besure you have good footing. Neverpermzt tiller to freewheel down slopes. Failureto follow this warning could result in personal injury.

To keepsoil erosionto a minimum, besureto addenoughorganicmatterto the softso that it hasgoodmoisture-holdingtextureandtry to avoid leavingfootprints or wheelmarks.

Whentilling vertically,try to makethe first eass. _hillas the tiller digs moreaeeplygoing uphillthan it does downhill. In soft soil or weeas,you mayhaveto lift the handlebarsslightly while goinguphill. When goingdownhill,overlapthe first passbyabout one-halfthe width of the tiller.

Tilling AcrossSlopesWithout UsingTerraces(HorizontalTilling)

f vertical or terracinggardeningaren'tpracticalfor you,then you cantill laterallyacrossa slope. We don'trecommendthis methodas t can createunsurefooting and invitessoil eromon.

As interracegardemng,startat thetop of the slopeandoverlapthe first passey _alfthe widthof thetiller. Foraddedstabilityof the tiller. alwayskeepthe uphillwheelinthe soft. new_yhliedSOIL


Whena slope_stoo steepor too short for verticaltilling, _tmay benecessaryto t_llacrossthe sloae andcreateterracedrows.Terraces arerowsthat arecut rotethe sideof a slope,creatinga narrow,but flat areaon whichto plant.

Ona longs_ope,you can makeseveralterraces,one belowthe other.

Terracesshould beonly 2-to-3 feetwide. Diggingtoo far intothe sideof the slopewil! exposepoorsubsoilthat is unproductivefor plants.


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Contents 11/25/02 Form no -10594CTableofcontents ForwardClutchBReverseClutchControl Models634F/634B SafetyTraining PreparationKeepchildren and petsaway MaintenanceandStorageDecals ReverseClutchControlModels634F/634B StartingStabilization Messageon engine LoosePartsList AssemblyClutch Cable Install ForwardFlat Side Install Reverse Clutch Cable Models 634F & 634B onlyCheck AIR Pressure Checkhardware31bY I Liielklevel UI IbY I AUU Muiuh UILEngine Controls FeaturesandcontrolsWheel Drive Pins IntroductionReverseclutchcontrol Handlebar Height AdjustmentForwardclutchbail Depth Regulator LeverOperation StartingandstoppingBREAK-IN Operation Operatingthe Tiller Stoppingthe Engineand TillerStoppingthe TillerandEngine AvoidTilling Soggy,Wet Soil TillingReadthe following recommendationsbeforetilling on slopes Tilling AcrossSlopesWithout UsingTerracesHorizontalTillingLee passes Allureo follow tins warmngUnloadingthe tiller into LoadingandunloadingCheckforoilleaks MaintenanceTransmission Gearoil Service Maintenance Schedule ProcedureRemovinnstalling a Single Tine Removinnstalling a Tine AssemblyTo Drain the TransmissionGear Oil Bolo TinesTo CheckForwardBelt Tension Adjusted, reattach the spring to the For- ward Clutch BalReplacementBelt Information Checking and Adjusting Forward Drive Belt TensionEngineoilservice BailadjustmentEnginecleaning AircleanerserviceOFF-SEASONSTORAGE SparkplugserviceThrottleleveradjustment Store unit in a clean, dry areaProblempossiblecause Correction TroubleshootingCForModel634B MODELS630C,634F & 634B PartslistAForModel630C BForModel634FMODELS630C, 634F & 634B 10 GW-55102 11 GW-55044 12 GW-9855 Partno Description1916719 1916755 1917479 1918745 710-0599 710-3008 712-3009 GW-55042 GW-55043GW-13250 ShimSetIncLthefollowingshims AForModel6300 BForModel634F CForModel634BGW-1224-3 GW-1224-4GW-9512 619-04013 GW-50032 Gasket,HousingCover 710-04048GW-9727 Plug,TransmissionOilFill 721-04031 710-04049LEFT-HANDTINE RIGHT-HANDTINE MODELS6300,634F & 634BMODELS630C, 634F & 634B MODELS630C, 634F & 634B TROY-BILT Tiller Lifetime Limited Warranty