Troy-Bilt 634FM, 634BM manual AvoidTilling Soggy,Wet Soil

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Tilling Depths

_=i, WARNING: Before A _ • tilling, Contactyour

,m ==== telephone or utilities company and inquireif underground equipment or lines are used on your property.Do not till near buried electric cables,

telephone lines, pipes or hoses.

Avoid pushingdown on the handlebarsin anattemptto forcethe tiller to dig deeper. Doing so takesthe weightoff the poweredwheels,causingthemto losetraction. Without the wheels helpingto holdthe tiller back,the tineswill attemptto propelthe tiller - often causingthe tiller to skip rapidly acrossthe ground. (Sometimes,slight downwardpressureonthe handlebars will helpgetthrough a particularlytough sectionof sodor unbrokenground,but in most cases this won'tbenecessarY.)

Avoid trying to digtoo deeplytoo quickly,especiallywhen bustingsod or when tilling soil that hasn'tbeentilledfor sometime. Useshallowdepth regulatorsettings(onlyaninch ortwo

deep)for the first passesthrough the soil. Witheachsucceedingpass,diganotherinch ortwo deeper. (Wateringthe areaafew daysprior to tilling will maketilling easier,as will lettingthe

newlyworkedsoil setfora dayortwo beforemakingafinal, deeptilling pass.)

Whencultivating(breakingupsurfacesoil aroundplantsto destroyweeds,seeFig.4-9), adjustthetines to digonly 1"to 2"deep. Using shallowtilling depthshelpspreventinjury to plantswhoserootsoftengrow closeto the surface. If needed,lift uponthe handlebarsslightly to preventthe tines from diggingtoo deeply. (Cultivatingon a regularbasisnot only eliminatesweeds,it also loosensandaeratesthe soil for bettermoistureabsorptionand faster plantgrowth.)

ChoosingCorrectWheel & Tine Speeds With experience,you will find the "just right" tillingdepth and tillingspeedcombination that is bestfor your garden.

Setthe enginethrottle leverat aspeedto give the engineadequatepowerandyetallow it to operateat the slowestpossiblespeed...atleast until you haveachievedthe maximumtilling depthyou desire. Fasterenginespeedsmaybedesirablewhen makingfinal passesthrough the seedbedor whencultivating.Selectionof the correct enginespeed,in relationto the tilling depth,will ensureasufficient power levelto dothe jobwithout causingthe engineto labor.

Let theTiller Dothe Work


AvoidTilling Soggy,Wet Soil

Whiletilling, relaxandletthewheelspullthe tiller along while the tines do the digging. Walkonthe sidethat is not yet finished(to avoid makingfootprints in the freshly tilled soil) and lightly, but securelygrip the han- dlebarwith just onehand,

Wheneverpossible, walk on the untilled side of the unitto avoidmakingfootprints in your freshly tilled or cultivatedsoil. Foot- prints causesoil compactionthat can ham- per root penetration and contribute to soil erosion. They can also !'plant"unwanted weed seeds back into the freshly tilled ground.

Tillingwet soil often results in large,hard clumps of soil that can interferewith plant- ing. If time permits, wait a day or two after heavyrains to allow the soil to dry before tilling. Testsoil by squeezingit intoa ball. If it compressestoo easily,it is too wetto till.




• When preparinga seedbed,go over the samepath twice in the first row,then



overlapone-half the tiller width on the rest of the passes(see Fig. 6). When fin-




ishedin onedirection, makea secondpassat a right angle, as shown in Fig.4-7.



Overlapeach passfor best results (in very hardground, it maytakethree or four



passesto thoroughly pulverizethe soil.)

Fig. 4-6

Fig. 4-7

Ifthe gardensizewill not permit lengthwiseandthen crosswisetilling,then over- lapthe first passesbyone-halfatiller

Fig. 4-8


With planning, you can _


_ r_



_-_ "-(_"

betweenrows tocultivate



(seeFig.4-9). Leaveroom _


for the hood width,



plus enough extra _



room for future plant


Fig. 4-9





Image 14
Contents Form no -10594C 11/25/02Tableofcontents Preparation SafetyTraining ForwardClutchBReverseClutchControl Models634F/634BMaintenanceandStorage Keepchildren and petsawayModels634F/634B StartingStabilization Messageon engine DecalsReverseClutchControl Assembly LoosePartsListInstall Forward Clutch CableInstall Reverse Clutch Cable Models 634F & 634B only Flat SideIbY I AUU Muiuh UIL Checkhardware31bY I Liielklevel UI Check AIR PressureIntroduction FeaturesandcontrolsWheel Drive Pins Engine ControlsDepth Regulator Lever Handlebar Height AdjustmentForwardclutchbail ReverseclutchcontrolBREAK-IN Operation OperationStartingandstopping Stoppingthe TillerandEngine Operatingthe TillerStoppingthe Engineand Tiller Tilling AvoidTilling Soggy,Wet SoilAllureo follow tins warmng Tilling AcrossSlopesWithout UsingTerracesHorizontalTillingLee passes Readthe following recommendationsbeforetilling on slopesLoadingandunloading Unloadingthe tiller intoMaintenance Schedule Procedure MaintenanceTransmission Gearoil Service CheckforoilleaksBolo Tines Removinnstalling a Tine AssemblyTo Drain the TransmissionGear Oil Removinnstalling a Single TineChecking and Adjusting Forward Drive Belt Tension Adjusted, reattach the spring to the For- ward Clutch BalReplacementBelt Information To CheckForwardBelt TensionAircleanerservice BailadjustmentEnginecleaning EngineoilserviceStore unit in a clean, dry area SparkplugserviceThrottleleveradjustment OFF-SEASONSTORAGETroubleshooting Problempossiblecause CorrectionBForModel634F MODELS630C,634F & 634B PartslistAForModel630C CForModel634BMODELS630C, 634F & 634B GW-55042 GW-55043 Partno Description1916719 1916755 1917479 1918745 710-0599 710-3008 712-3009 10 GW-55102 11 GW-55044 12 GW-9855GW-1224-4 AForModel6300 BForModel634F CForModel634BGW-1224-3 GW-13250 ShimSetIncLthefollowingshimsGW-9512 710-04049 GW-50032 Gasket,HousingCover 710-04048GW-9727 Plug,TransmissionOilFill 721-04031 619-04013MODELS6300,634F & 634B LEFT-HANDTINE RIGHT-HANDTINEMODELS630C, 634F & 634B MODELS630C, 634F & 634B TROY-BILT Tiller Lifetime Limited Warranty