Set a frequency and level on the 4071 |
'Send the following command string to the 4071:
'A F1 18.432Z F2 0.0Z F0
'These characters have the following meaning:
'A - Reset the 4071 to Sinewave mode
'F1 - Move cursor to field 1 (the frequency field)
'18.432Z - Enter a frequency of 18.432 MHz
'F2 - Move cursor to field 2 (the level field)
'0.0Z - Enter a level of 0.0 dBm
'F0 - Move cursor to field 0 (turns cursor off)
PRINT #1, "A F1 18.432Z F2 0.0Z F0";
'After the 4071 executes each command, it will return a prompt character (">"). We wish
'to wait until after all prompts have
'come in, since that's when the 4071 has finished executing the last command. The
'GetResponse1 subroutine has a
GOSUB GetResponse1 | ' Wait for and get response from 4071 to a$ |
'Let the user know what's going on
PRINT "CW mode selected. Frequency and Level have been set."
PRINT "Press any key to go to DTMF Detection mode"
'Wait for the user to press a key before we switch to a new mode. CALL Pause
Switch to DTMF Detection mode | ||
' This example illustrates how to parse information from the 4071 | ||
| PRINT #1, "M9"; | ' Command the 4071 to go to DTMF Detection mode |
| GOSUB PromptWait | ' Wait for 4071 to finish this command |
| GOSUB FlushBuff1 | ' Flush all received chars from 4071 |
'Let the user know what's going on
PRINT "Now in DTMF Detection mode. All DTMF detections will be printed."
'When the 4071 detects a DTMF digit, it will print the following text
'to the terminal port: CR,LF,"DTMF: 7"
DTMFLoop: |
GOSUB GetResponse1 | ' Wait for and get response from 4071 to a$ |
'The 4071 prints a semicolon (:) character whenever it is reporting data.
'The data follows immediately after the semicolon.
IF INSTR(a$, ":") THEN
a = INSTR(a$, ":") + 1 ' Get the data that follows the ":" character
a$ = MID$(a$, a, 2) ' (Strip off everything else) PRINT "Detected DTMF digit is: "; a$
' Allow the user to exit the program by pressing a key.
IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN SYSTEM ' Exit on first terminal key press
GOTO DTMFLoop | ' Otherwise keep looking for more DTMF detections |
BK Precision 4071 User Manual Rev.2.2