Craftsman 536.88155 operating instructions USTADEREVISI6N

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Antesdeusarsunuevoquitanleves,y para asegurarqueobtengaai msjorrendimientoy

la mayorsetisfacci6n de este productode calidad,per favorhaga un repesode ta ai- guienteistade revlsi6n:

P" Se han completado todes les instnJccio- nes de ensemblado.

_," [] canalde descargagiraUbrernente.

v" No quedanpiezas sueltesell la caja de sert6n.

v" Reviselos sujetadores.Compruebequa todosest_nbienapretados.

Revisela presi_ deaJrede lasnJedesLa. presi6ndeaimcorrectaes de 14 a 17 PSI. En la partelateraide lesUantesaparesela presi6nde aimm_ma parairrl_rles rue- des. No sobrepeseeste m_imo.

En los modelos de arranque el_ct]ico, la unidad ha sdo enviada con el cable dai

aistema de arranque enchufado ai motor.

Antes de utilizar la unidad, sffvase desen- chufar el cable de arranque del motor.

AI mismotiempoque apmndea usar suqui-

tanieves,prestemucha atenci6na losimpor- tantesdetailesa continuaci6n:

y,' _ aseitedelmotorest_ai niveladecuado.

Use un aceltedetergentsde alta celidad claslficadocomo "Para servicio SG, SH,

SJ, SL o superior'.

P" Asegt_resequeel tanquedegasolinaest_ Ilenocon gesolinalimp'•,fmscay sin plo- mo con un octanajemnimode 85.

_" Familiarcesecontodoslos con'o'oles,su

ubicaci6ny funci6n.Opere los cor_oles antesde hacer arrancarel motor.


Image 72
Contents OperatorsManual Snow Thrower Warranty Statement Storage Safety Rules Birth defects or other mproductNe harmWash Hands After Handling Training Preparation OperationMaintenance and Storage Control and Operating SymbolsEcL Stop Contents of Parts BAG Actual Size Tools Required for Assembly Knifeto outcartonTo Remove Snow Thrower from Carton To Assemble the Handle Crank Assembly UpperHandle removeEye Bolt Ratwasher HOW to Assemble the Chute Deflector HOW to SET the Skid HeightHOW to SET the Length of the Cables Checkust Choke Control Gas PrimerCap Button Safety Know Your Snow ThrowerStarter HOW to Move Forward and Backward To Stop Your Snow ThrowerTo Control Snow Discharge To Throw SnowCheck the OIL Before Starting the EngineFill GAS To Start Engine To Stop EnginePowerCord RecoilStarter ReceptacleFrozen Starter To Remove Snow from Auger Snow Throwing TipsCustomer Responsibilities General RecommendationsAfter Each USE Engine Specifications Snow ThrowerEngine LubricationSpark Plug To Change Engine OILTo Adjust Skid Height To Adjust Scraper BARHOW to Remove Snow Hood Spark kCafouretor Belt Adjustment InchEngaged HOW to Replace the Belts Jure28Ring Swing Plate Spdng Traction DriveBelt DrivePulley EngineInstall the belt cover.Tighten screw see Belt Guide Adjustment HOW to Check Adjust the CablesAuger Drive Cable Adjustment Traction Drive Cable Adjustment CableAdjustmentBracket HOW to Adjust or Replace the Friction Wheel Auger Housing Speed ControlRodChain Check the adjustment of the friction HOW to Replace Auger Shear Bolt SpacerOther EngineTrouble Cause Correcon Sears .Emission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Cold start enrichment sys Typicallyfoundona certifiedengine Ref, DrivePage Ref. Auger HousingPage Craftsman 24 6HP Snow Thrower 536.881550 Engine25-220 13 14 25-329 Key DescriptionCraftsman 24 6HP Snow Thrower 536.881550 Frame Craftsman 24 6HP Snow Thrower 536.881550 Gear Case Craftsman 24 6HP Snow Thrower 536.681550 Drive 236218 207 Craftsman 24 6HP Snow Thrower 536.881550 Drive NU,IEPS HE I/4-20Ref.Auger HousingPage Craftsman 24 6HP Snow Thrower 536.881550 Discharge Chute6O3 601 6O9Chute Assembly WasherKNOB, Wing BoltCraftsman 24 6HP Snow Thrower 536.881550 Auger Housing 49O5OO527522 523BRUSH, Cleanout SPACER,FRICTION PulleyRETAINER,BALLBRNG BEARING,BALLCraftsman 24 6HP Snow Thrower 536.881550 Handle 73O 729 74O746 762Craftsman 24 6HP Snow Thrower Handle Ref.Auger HousingAssy Craftsman 24 6HP Snow Thrower 536.881550 Chute ROD852-10 GROMME, EYE Bolt Craftsman 24 6HP Snow Thrower 536.881550 Shift Yoke Decals Craftsman 24 6HP Snow Thrower 536.881550 Wheels O410111L55 Briggs & Stration Engine Briggs & Stratton Engine Ring Set40 692194 Retalnar-Valve 45 690977 Tappet-Valve 51% S92IKey No. PartNo. Descdption BowlVentGasket-Intake Required 95 691636 Screw J613Y 309 696818 Motor-Starter 316 690370 Screw 1095 638215 Gasket Set-Valve 1196 696692 Screw1211 496144 Pulley/Spring Starter Shield0410111L62 Almacenamiento CAPACITACI6N Del solhaos que el combusdblePermitsque el motory el quitanlevesse ManeJeel combustiblecon cuidado.ste es sitamente inflamableMantenimiento Y Almacenamiento Alejadode la bujlapare evitarun arran- que accidentalSjmbolos DE Control Y OPERACI6N Despaelo PatpldoAnanque de motor ColeorSjmbolos DE Control Y Operacin Abajo Arriba Izquierda DerechaPeugro PeligroContenido DE LA Bolsa DE Partes Famaiioreal Herramientas Necesarias Como Sacar EL Quitanieves DE LA CajaPalancade propulsibn De la barrena Portran Cabledd embmgue Palanca de PatinasdeC6MO Ensamblar EL Mango Y EL Conjunto DE LA Manivela CMO Ensamblar EL Deflector DEL Tubo DE Descarga C6MO Ajustar LOS Patines DE AlturaCMO Establecer LA Longitud DE LOS Cables USTADEREVISI6N Conozca SU Quitanieves AvsC6M0 Avanzary Retroceder C6M0 Controlar LA Descarga DELanzamiento DE Nieve C6MOUSAR EL Pasador DE Enganche DE LA RuedaMotor Antes DE Encender EL MotorAntes DE Arrancar EL Motor CombustibleParada DEL Motor Arranque DEL MotorCarel motor,asegresede haberleido la informacl6nsiguiente C6mo hacerarrancarel motorenfri0 Enchufedel cord6nManlt,e arran- de alimentad6n Qua manualMaHJadel ananquemanuaJse enrolls lentamerrte Arranque CongeladoC6MO Quitarla Nievey Escombrosatascadosdela Barrena Consejos Sobre EL LanzamientoSuelte la palancade propulsi6nde la ba DE NieveCapadtadasoesab doreparacb Responsabilidadesdel Propietario Recstrosde SerwcioRecomendaciones Generales Motor ESPEClRCAClONES Motor BUJiALlenofull Cambio DE AceiteEl arranque accidental del mo Patnde ajuste AloJamlentode altura de la barrena RguraAjuste DE LA Barra Raspadora Como Desmontar LA Cubierta Protectora Ajuste DE I.AS Correas Guta PuestaVuelva a poner la cubierta de la C6MO Reemplazar LAS CO- Rreas0410111L86 Polea FiguraMamas de alinearnlento Figure Ajustesdela Correaguja Como Revisar Y Ajustar LOS CablesAjustes DEL Cable DE PROPULSI6N C6MO Ajustar 0 Reemplazar LA Rueda DE Friccin Fura Figura88 C6MO Reemplazar LOS Pernos DE Seguridad DE LA Barrena De partesencontrarpemosde seguridad adicionalesQuitanieves MotorOtras Indicaciones Problema Causa CORRECClONLaina ea mnte ened Us deAm6ricaydt Su sisternade controlde emisionesinclweUstedincluyondoel dlagn6stico,laspartesy la mano de obra Bujas Sin CostoEs necesadose g Duranteel periodode lagarang=,CualquierO410111L99 Your Home Sears Parts and Repair Center Anytime,dayornightU.S.A.onlyMY-HOME Anytime, day or night Canada

536.88155 specifications

The Craftsman 536.88155 is a snowblower that has gained a reputation for its efficiency and reliability in tackling winter’s harsh conditions. Designed for residential use, this model stands out with its powerful engine and user-friendly features, making it a popular choice among homeowners looking to keep their driveways and walkways clear of snow.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 536.88155 is its potent 27-inch clearing width. This allows users to cover a larger area in less time, reducing the physical effort required when dealing with heavy snowfall. The snowblower is equipped with a powerful engine that provides outstanding performance, ensuring that it can handle even the most challenging snow conditions with ease.

A key characteristic of the Craftsman 536.88155 is its capability to throw snow at impressive distances. The machine is designed with an adjustable chute that allows users to direct snow where they want it. This feature is particularly useful for preventing snow from being thrown back onto cleared paths, ensuring a cleaner finish. The chute can be easily adjusted from the operator's position, adding to the overall convenience in usage.

The Craftsman 536.88155 employs a user-friendly design that includes electric start capability. This feature eliminates the hassle of struggling with pull cords on cold mornings, allowing users to simply plug in and start the machine with the push of a button. Additionally, the ergonomic handles and controls enhance comfort and ease of use, making it suitable for individuals of varying physical abilities.

In terms of build quality, the Craftsman 536.88155 boasts a durable construction designed to withstand harsh winter conditions. The snowblower is made from high-quality materials that promote longevity while reducing maintenance needs. Its heavy-duty construction ensures stability, enabling it to navigate through both light and heavy snow effectively.

With its combination of power, user-friendly features, and durable construction, the Craftsman 536.88155 serves as an excellent tool for ensuring winter mobility and safety. Whether you are dealing with light flurries or a significant snowfall, this reliable snowblower is equipped to handle the task efficiently, making it a worthwhile investment for homeowners facing the challenges of winter weather.