To adjust minutes, move the cursor to each digit and use the number keys to input number directly. To change the “behind” or “ahead of” UT, move the cursor to “ahead” and using ▲ or ▼ key to toggle between “behind” and “ahead”. When the number is correct, press ENTER and go back to the previous screen.
For other parts of the world you can find your “time zone” information online at
websitessuchas http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/.
5.2.2. Set Up Daylight Saving Time
Scroll up and select “Set up local Time”
Set up Local Time
Set up site
Set N/S hemisphere
Set display contrast
Set Eyepiece light
Set Backlight
Set Key Beep
Press ENTER.
Set local time:
Use the ◄ or ► key to move the cursor to the bottom of the screen, use the ▲ or ▼ button to toggle between “Y” and “N”. Press ENTER to go back the previous screen. The local time also can be manually entered in case of GPS malfunction or testing the mount inside.
The time and site information will be stored inside HC memory chip. If you are not traveling to other observation site, they do not need to be changed.
5.2.3. Set Mount Type
The #8401 hand controller that comes with the MiniTower Pro can function in both EQ and AltAz. For the MiniTower Pro you will need to set the hand controller to function in AltAz. Scroll down and select “Set Mount Type”,
Set up site
Set N/S hemisphere
Set display contrast
Set Eyepiece light
Set Backlight
Set Key Beep
Set Mount Type
Press Enter.
Equatorial Mount
Alt/Azi Mount
Select Alt/Azi mount and press ENTER to go back the previous screen.
5.2.4. Set Anti-backlash
For an Alt/Azi operation, both R.A. and DEC
Set up Local Time
Set up site
Set N/S hemisphere
Set display contrast
Set Eyepiece light
Set Backlight
Set Key Beep