Congratulations on your purchase of the Celestron CGE telescope! The CGE ushers in the next generation of computer automated telescopes. The Celestron CGE series continues in this proud tradition combining large aperture optics with the sophistication and ease of use of our computerized GoTo mount.
If you are new to astronomy, you may wish to start off by using the CGE's
Some of the many standard features of the CGE include:
•Fully enclosed optical encoders for position location.
•Ergonomically designed mount that disassembles into compact and portable pieces
•Database filter limits for creating custom object lists.
•Storage for programmable user defined objects; and
Many other high performance features!
The CGE’s deluxe features combine with Celestron’s legendary
Take time to read through this manual before embarking on your journey through the Universe. It may take a few observing sessions to become familiar with your CGE, so you should keep this manual handy until you have fully mastered your telescope’s operation. The CGE hand control has
Your CGE telescope is designed to give you years of fun and rewarding observations. However, there are a few things to consider before using your telescope that will ensure your safety and protect your equipment.
Y Never look directly at the sun with the naked eye or with a telescope (unless you have the proper solar filter). Permanent and irreversible eye damage may result.
Y Never use your telescope to project an image of the sun onto any surface. Internal heat
Y Never use an eyepiece solar filter or a Herschel wedge. Internal heat
Never leave the telescope unsupervised, either when children are present or adults who may not be familiar with the correct operating procedures of your telescope.