Additional RS232 Commands
Send Any Track Rate Through RS232 To The Hand Control
1.Multiply the desired tracking rate (arcseconds/second) by 4. Example: if the desired trackrate is 150 arcseconds/second, then TRACKRATE = 600
2.Separate TRACKRATE into two bytes, such that (TRACKRATE = TrackRateHigh*256 + rackRateLow). Example: TrackRateHigh = 2 TrackRateLow = 88
3.To send a tracking rate, send the following 8 bytes:
a.Positive Azm tracking: 80, 3, 16, 6, TrackRateHigh, TrackRateLow, 0, 0
b.Negative Azm tracking:80, 3, 16, 7, TrackRateHigh, TrackRateLow, 0, 0
c.Positive Alt tracking: 80, 3, 17, 6, TrackRateHigh, TrackRateLow, 0, 0
d.Negative Alt tracking: 80, 3, 17, 7, TrackRateHigh, TrackRateLow, 0, 0
4.The number 35 is returned from the handcontrol
Send A
1.Convert the angle position to a 24bit number. Example: if the desired position is 220°, then POSITION_24BIT = (220/360)*224 = 10,252,743
2.Separate POSITION_24BIT into three bytes such that (POSITION_24BIT = PosHigh*65536 + PosMed*256 + PosLow). Exampe: PosHigh = 156, PosMed = 113, PosLow = 199
3.Send the following 8 bytes:
a.Azm Slow Goto: 80, 4, 16, 23, PosHigh, PosMed, PosLow, 0
b.Alt Slow Goto: 80, 4, 17, 23, PosHigh, PosMed, PosLow, 0
4.The number 35 is returned from the handcontrol
Reset The Position Of Azm Or Alt
1.Convert the angle position to a 24bit number, same as
2.Send the following 8 bytes:
a.Azm Set Position: 80, 4, 16, 4, PosHigh, PosMed, PosLow, 0
b.Alt Set Position: 80, 4, 17, 4, PosHigh, PosMed, PosLow, 0
3.The number 35 is returned from the handcontrol
4.Note: If using Motorcontrol version less than 4.1, then send:
a.Azm Set Position: 80, 3, 16, 4, PosHigh, PosMed, PosLow, 0
b.Alt Set Position: 80, 3, 17, 4, PosHigh, PosMed, PosLow, 0