Configuration Worksheet
These pages help you gather needed information before using a Connection Setup wizard. The information you’ll need varies depending on the router model, your type of service, and the type of connection you want to establish. Consult your telephone company, ISP, and system administrator to determine which parts of this worksheet you should fill in.
Get information from your telephone company for your type of connection
ISDN Switch Type (check one)
Japan |
µ KDD | µ NTT |
North America |
µ National | µ National | |
Australia |
µ Austel TS013 | µ Euro ISDN / ETSI |
ISDN Numbers and SPIDs for your router |
| |
Local ISDN Number 1: _____________________ | SPID1: _________________ | |
Local ISDN Number 2: ___________________ | SPID 2: _________________ |
Note: You might have one, two, or no SPIDs depending on your ISDN service type.
ISDN Connection Type
µSingle Channel (56 or 64 kbps)
µMultiple Channels (112 or 128 kbps)
µAlways On/Dynamic ISDN (AO/DI)
Local X.25 Address: _________________
Remote X.25 Address: _______________
TEI (Terminal Endpoint Identifier): ________________
For IDSL (ISDN Digital Subscriber Line)
General for all connection types |
| |
Service type |
µ PPP leased line | µ Frame Relay |
Line Speed (kbps) |
µ 64 | µ 128 | µ 144 (ISDN U ports only) | |
For Frame Relay connections only |
| |
LMI Type (DLCMI) |
µ Annex D | µ Annex A | µ LMI (Cisco) | µ None |
Connection Name (define your own): ___________________
Local DLCI (between 16 and 991): _______