Configuration Worksheet
Get this information from your network system administrator
General for all connection types
LAN IP Address of router
IP address: ___________________ | Subnet mask: ___________________ |
Select one, both, or none for your network:
µEnable firewall filtering (you’ll need to set up filters to allow certain traffic, such as Web, FTP, and Telnet, to pass over the network.)
µEnable router management from the Internet
For a direct connection to a remote site
ISDN numbers for remote site
Remote ISDN number: _________________ Remote ISDN number 2: _________________
Authentication for access to this router from the remote site (the router at the other end)
Remote user ID: _____________________ Remote user password:___________________
Authentication for access to the remote site router from this router
Your user ID: _________________________ Your password: _______________________
Routing Protocols (choose one or more) |
| ||
µ IP | µ IPX | µ Bridging (for | |
IP Routing Type (if using IP) |
| |
µ | µ | µ Static Route | µ Default Route |
If it is a static route, enter this information for the remote network:
Network Address: _____________________ Subnet Mask: ___________________
θEnable router management over this connection
Bridging (if using bridging)
µTransparent µ Spanning Tree
IPX Routing on the WAN (if using IPX)
θ IPX WAN negotiation |
Routing Update Interval: |
µ Minutes: _____ µ 1 hour | µ 24 hours |