BIOS Setup
PS2KB Wakeup Select
The item specify how the system will be awakened from power saving mode when input signal of the keyboard is detected. If set to Hot Key, it allows you to select the options in PS2 KB Wake UP from S3. If set to Password, please press <Enter> to input password and its maximum password is 8 numbers. Options are: Hot Key, Password.
PS2KB Wake Up from S3/S4/S5
This setting allows you to enter “Hot Key” (max. 8 numbers) to wake up the system from S3 state. Settings are: Disable, Ctrl+F1~Ctrl+F12, Power, Wake, Any Key.
PS2MS Wake Up from S3/S4/S5
This setting allows the activity of the mouse to wake up the system from S3 state. Settings are: Enabled and Disabled.
USB Resume from S3
This item allows the activity of the USB device to wake up the system from S3 (Suspend to RAM) state. Settings are: Enabled and Disabled.
These fields specify whether the system will be awakened from power saving modes when activity or input signal of the specified hardware peripheral or compo- nent is detected.
Wake Up On PME
When set to Enabled, the feature allows your system to be awakened from the power saving modes through any event on PME (Power Management Event). Set- tings are: Enabled and Disabled.
Resume By Alarm
The field is used to enable or disable the feature of booting up the system on a scheduled time/date.
MSI Reminds You...
If you have changed this setting, you must let the system boot up until it enters the operating system, before this function will work.