Date(of Month) Alarm
The field specifies the date for Resume By RTC Alarm. Settings: 0~31.
Time(hh:mm:ss) Alarm
The field specifies the time for Resume By RTC Alarm. Format is <hour><minute> <second>.
IRQ Activity Monitoring
Press <Enter> and the following
Primary INTR
Selecting ON will cause the system to wake up from power saving modes if activity is detected from any enabled IRQ channels. Settings: ON, OFF.
IRQ3~IRQ15 enable or disable the monitoring of the specified IRQ line. If set to [Enabled], the activity of the specified IRQ line will prevent the system from entering power saving modes or awaken it from power saving modes.
MSI Reminds You...
IRQ (Interrupt Request) lines are system resources allocated to I/O devices. When an I/O device needs to gain attention of the operating system, it signals this by causing an IRQ to occur. After receiving the signal, when the operating system is ready, the system will interrupt itself and perform the service required by the I/O device.