Intel® BBPXA2xx Development Baseboard
Intel® BBPXA2xx Development Baseboard
10.UCB1400 Generates Interrupts Incorrectly
Problem: | The Philips UCB1400 interrupt signal is inverted. |
Implication: | The UCB1400 generates interrupts incorrectly. |
Workaround: | Reprogram FPGA U53/U54 with latest code. Refer to http://developer.intel.com for latest FPGA |
| updates. |
Status: | Fixed |
Board Rev: | Rev A and B |
11.USB Cable Attach/Detach Detection Interrupt Is Constantly Asserted
Problem: Due to the hardware implementation of the USB cable detection feature, either the attach or detach interrupt is constantly asserted depending on the attach or detach state of the cable.
Implication: Software does not know if there is a connect or disconnect. Incorrect USB state can be read
Workaround: Perform the following steps to fix the problem.
1.Replace U12, MAX6348XR40 with MAX6379XR44.
2.Update U53/U54 with the latest code. Refer to http://developer.intel.com for latest FPGA updates.
| One bit was added in the Miscellaneous Read register, bit 9, for cable detection state. Bit 9: logic |
| low = attach, logic high = detach. There are now two interrupt register bits both in the Interrupt |
| Mask/Enable and Interrupt Set/Clear registers to handle USB cable attach/detach states. Bit 2 is the |
| interrupt bit for attach and bit 6 is the interrupt bit for detach in both registers. Users must use each |
| register’s associated |
| the USB cable is attached. Users must determine the state of the cable attach using bit 9 in the |
| Miscellaneous Read register and then mask the associated interrupt bit in the Interrupt Mask/ |
| Enable register. Refer to the Intel® DBPXA250 and DBPXA210 Development Platforms for Intel® |
| Personal Internet Client Architecture User’s Guide for more information. |
Status: | Fixed |
Board Rev: | Rev A and B |
12 | DBPXA250 and DBPXA210 Development Platforms Specification Update |