Hitachi Data Systems
Hitachi Multiplatform Resource Sharing
Multiplatform Resource Sharing is built right into the Lightning 9900 V Series systems. With Multiplatform Resource Sharing, Lightning 9900 V Series systems users can share resources between UNIX® or Microsoft® Windows NT®/Windows® 2000 servers and S/390 mainframe platforms. Sharing resources across heterogeneous platforms lowers total cost of ownership, provides a centralized point for data management, and simplifies the management of heterogeneous systems.
Hitachi Priority Access
Priority Access allocates bandwidth on the basis of quality of service (QoS) requirements either at the physical port level or at the Host Storage Domain level within a physical port. See also Host Storage Domains.
Hitachi Rapid Recovery
The Hitachi Rapid Recovery solution for IBM®
Hitachi RapidXchange™
RapidXchange software provides for the file conversion and exchange of data between S/390 and open systems hosts. RapidXchange software provides file access library software for open systems hosts and runs on the following host servers: HP/UX®, IBM AIX®, Sun™ Solaris™, HP® Tru64™, UNIX®, IBM DYNIX/ptx®, SGI™ IRIX®, NCR® UNIX® SVR4, and Microsoft® Windows NT®/Windows 2000®.
Hitachi Resource Manager™
Resource Manager is a comprehensive package of management software that brings together Hitachi
Hitachi SANtinel™
SANtinel software controls host access to Hitachi Freedom Storage (including Lightning 9900 V Series systems) LUNs in open systems or SAN environments.
Hitachi ShadowImage™
ShadowImage is a