Hitachi Data Systems
To arrange a
Phase 3 – Final report. The HiReturn team provides a business Financial Impact Report that summarizes the ROI findings of the assessment and outlines the suggested strategy, along with other key recommendations.
The HiReturn analysis is conducted at the customer’s site. Hitachi Data Systems consultants spend time prior to the assessment gathering data and facilitating cost and technology workshops to capture and model the customer’s current and future IT environment. The following elements need to be defined for use in the ROI determination process:
•Cost of fully burdened labor rates for storage administrators
•Depreciation rate, Internal Rate of Return and/or lease terms
•Cost of data center space ($/sq. ft or m2)
•Corporate tax rate (marginal tax rate)
•Current data center floor space with current storage systems and equipment
•Cost of power ($/kWh)
•Power and BTU ratings of current storage systems
•Estimates of $/GB and annual storage erosion rate
•Number and average cost of servers (typically Microsoft® Windows NT® servers) used exclusively for storage access (NFS, CIFS mounted servers)
•Hourly cost of scheduled and unscheduled downtime (opportunity cost/loss)
•Current hardware maintenance costs for storage networks and elements
•Current software maintenance/license costs for storage networks and elements
Results and Reports Quantify Both IT Benefits and Business Benefits
As a result of the on site meetings and data collection, the HiReturn team produces a Financial Impact Report that summarizes ROI assessment findings. Overall client assumptions, ROI tool output, and business and technical conclusions are provided. The report may also introduce alternative technology and solutions that are likely to produce a superior ROI result and meet enterprise business requirements. The ROI impact is defined in hard- and