Matchprint Professional Server for DocuColor 12 Printer/Copier – Quick Start
left corner of the test form.
Important Note on Calibrating the Spectrocam: Each Spectrocam needs to be calibrated against its own unique White Reference Target before taking measurements. The Spectocam and its White Reference have matching serial numbers. For additional information, please see the Spectrocam user documentation.
3.Touch the green sensor and move the device slowly across the first row. When you complete the first row, reposition the Spectrocam over the first patch of the second row and touch the green sensor again to begin measuring the second row. Continue in this fashion until all rows are read.
Patches are read from left to right in a slow, steady manner. The color patches appear on the screen as they are measured. It should take approximately 6 to 8 seconds to completely scan one row.
If you move too slowly or too rapidly, patches are not read correctly. Within the calibrate dialog an X appears on any patch that is
To read the last two rows, you will need to move the test form up so the Spectrocam rests on the black scanner plate.
Note: The Spectrocam times out after 10 minutes of inactivity. Instructions appear directing the user to restart the calibration process.
If the calibration is successful, the following message appears: "The calibration process was successful. You may now calibrate another media."
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