Matchprint Professional Server for DocuColor 12 Printer/Copier – Quick Start
Tray 6 (High Capacity Feeder) – Optional: Media Type - Normal Bond, Media Size - Letter (8.5 x 11 inches)
•Tray 5 is a manual feed tray located on the left side of the Xerox DocuColor 12. (Tray 5 is not configured here.)
•Load paper so the watermark wording is face down in the tray.
•The DocuColor 12 can be set to disable automatic tray switching, however the Matchprint Professional Server overrides this setting if the job's parameters are set to Automatically Select the input tray. Go to the Setting Job Parameters, Printer tab in the online help or the user guide.pdf for more information.
Step 3. Printer Calibration
KPG recommends daily calibration and recalibration each time the printer is serviced.
Calibrate for Bond medias using the following Xerox Color Xpressions media. When using supplied profiles and device links for premium medias, printer calibration must use the Matchprint
The Color Profiles and Device Links supplied for normal, heavyweight, and extra heavyweight bond were all created using the following Xerox media:
•Normal Bond: Xerox Color Xpressions 24 lb., Bright White 96 paper.
•Heavyweight Bond: Xerox Color Xpressions 60 lb., Bright White 96 paper.
•Extra Heavyweight Bond: Xerox Color Xpressions 80 lb., Bright White 98 paper.
Important! If a media other than the recommended Xerox media is used, the following error appears: “Warning! The media used for calibration appears to be significantly different from the Normal Bond (or Heavyweight) media recommended for used with this application. Results of the calibration on this media may not be typical.”
Printer calibration can be performed internally by using the DocuColor 12
If calibration is to be performed using the DocuColor 12 scanner, please skip to the section titled, Calibration Procedure.
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