•KODAK Slide Projection FF Lenses (lens summary, page 85)
•KODAK EKTAPRO 80 Slide Tray with transparent cover. European CAT No. 712 8580
Trays are available for holding 80 slides.
European CAT No. 184 0768 (not widely available in Europe).
•KODAKEKTAPROCableRemote(4m) European CAT No. 712 1080
Control of slide change, focus and standby.
•KODAKEKTAPRORemoteExtensionCable/8m European CAT No. 712 5925
Using the EKTAPRO Cable Remote:
Up to three of these cables can be joined together giving a possible operation length of up to 28 m.
Using the EKTAPRO IR Remote Receiver RA:
The receiver can be installed up to 8 m away from your projector with this cable.
European CAT No. 712 1072
The remote control consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The receiver has been constructed so that it can fit directly into the remote control socket (25).
Furthermore, you can choose between two channels which enable use of two IR remote controls to control two different projectors in one room. The receiver does not need batteries as it receives electricity through the
With this remote system, you can control the functions standby, slide change and focus. With the ten key keypad you can select any slide in the slide tray. With models 7020 and 9020 you can use this keypad to transfer a series of additional interesting functions such as inputting a dissolve time, autotimer, freeze, reset etc.
The keypad has a sliding cover for storage.
•KODAKEKTAPROIRRemoteSystemRA/LP European CAT No. 712 1064
This remote, in addition to above features, has a
European CAT No. 712 5875
•KODAKEKTAPRO12/7-PinAdapterCable European CAT No. 712 5883
With the module and the adapter cable you can connect many dissolve devices, those for the KODAK CAROUSEL
•KODAKEKTAPROExtraBrightLampModules Single Lamp Module for EKTAPRO 3020 Projector: European CAT No. 718 3379
DualLampModule (ALC) forEKTAPRO4020, 5020,7020,9020: European CAT No. 718 4369
•KODAKEKTAPROStandardHeatfilter forExtraBrightLamp Modules for the reduction of slide temperature and brightness (conformswiththe3000,3010,4010,7000,9000and9010models). European CAT No 717 7140
•KODAK EKTAPRO Heatfilter +10 for Extra Bright Lamp Modules for the reduction of slide temperature and brightness (conforms with all previous models already equipped with such filters). European CAT No 717 7157
European CAT No. 712 8606
This receiver is necessary for operating another projector in parallel via the EKTAPRO IR Remote Controls.
• Projection Lamps
There are three different projection lamps for varying projection conditions available for your EKTAPRO Slide Projector:
EXR82V/35h300W European CAT No. 145 2259 Brightness: 100% (standard value)
FHS 82V/70h 300W European CAT No. 147 7678 Brightness: 80%
EXY82V/200h250W European CAT No. 145 2143 Brightness: 60%
•KODAKEKTAPROCarryingCase European CAT No. 718 1993
Hard case for projector, lens, tray and remote control transporta- tion.
European CAT No. 712 5909
This adapter allows linkage of an additional projector in parallel and an EKTAPRO Cable Remote. The adapter will fit into the remote control socket.
•KODAK EKTAPRO Twin Socket Connecting Cable / 2 m European CAT No. 712 5917
To connect an additional EKTAPRO Slide Projector to the Twin Socket Adapter for a projection in parallel.
•KODAK EKTAPRO 4 x 4 Condenser Kit
Europ. Cat. No. 714 4967
For projecting 4 x 4 slides (superslides) for the KODAK 36, 85, 93,
100, 150 and 180 mm Projection FF Lenses!
•KODAK EKTAPRO 1 m Dissolve Cable Europ. Cat. No. 715 3992
You can connect a second projector with a