*your PC user guide
Building Your Own Website
Once you have a Supanet Account you will be able to create your very own web site on a subject of your choice, from holiday snaps to an Internet Diary.
A website can be accessed by anybody on the Internet, so if you build a Diary, all of your friends and family can read it and find out how you are doing.
!NOTE: Make sure that no financial information is included in your website, also try to avoid providing information about your location and although it may be tempting it is not a good idea to reveal your primary email address as this could leave you vulnerable to viruses and marketing emails (SPAM).
To aid you in creating your website, Supanet have provided Worldbuilder2, which is a program that runs across the Internet, this means that you do not install it on your PC.
This also means that you can access the program from anywhere that you have Internet Access.
If you have a business, and you are away and find something you need to update on the site, dial up Supanet on any Internet capable PC, click on My Webspace at the top of the page, and then click on Worldbuilder2 to login and build or administer your website.
Login by typing your Supanet account name and password in the fields shown and click the Login button.
For more information on accessing your Supanet account from other locations, please contact Supanet Support.
*your PC user guide
Launching Worldbuilder2
Once you have logged in to Worldbuilder2 you will see the following section.
You can get information about the Webspace allocated to your account.
In this section you can Launch Worldbuilder2 and start to design your website following the step by step guide provided.
Once your website is finished and you are happy with it, you can Publish Your Site to the Internet so that everyone can see it.
You can also Promote your website so that it shows up on Supanet searches, and also on International searches. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing your website show up on an Internet search.
Building your website
Once you click on Launch, the Worldbuilder2 program will open. As you can see it is a fairly simple menu, with full instructions in the panel on the left. The panel on the right shows your website as it develops.
Follow the instructions on the left; at some point you may want to leave it for a while, you may need more pictures if you are creating a photo album. At the top of the left hand panel there is a Quit button, pressing this will automatically save your work so that you can come back to it at a later date. You will be able to continue where you left off.