Kensington 4 Ustom Hrrel Eraph flrtiue Set tlefault, Af,ustom Hcreleration, Lllhen mouing quirklg

Page 8

Chopter 3: Using furbo Mouse Softwore

\Arhen you click Custom, you can use the two scroll bars to fine tune the acceleration when you are moving your mouse device slo'lvlyand when you are moving it quickly. This same window has a graph that lets you modify the acceleration curve directly.

Finally, more experienced users can click the Tzrble button to enter accel- eration lalues. This is the most intense level of Custom Acceleration,

designed for users u,ho rvould like to create and experiment with

different types of acceleration cur-ves.

The Custorn setting can be quite po'w,erfulbecause a single setting

enables you to have slorr,clrrsor movement as rvell as the ability to zip across the screen. In other rvords, rvith slorv ball movement, there rvill be little acceleration, so your cursor rvill move very slorvly. With quick ball movement, there will be greater acceleratiou. so )'onrcttrsor will move very quickly.

To create a custom setting, click the Custom button llext to the acceleration scroll bar for the device rvhose acceleratiou you'w'ould like to modify. A window with more acceleration coutrol options and

a graph will be displayed.


f ustom Hrrel Eraph - flrtiue Set: tlefault:

Enhanced Turbo Mouse


af,ustom Hcreleration







lllhen mouing sloutlg...





lllhen mouing quirklg...






Mouse Speed

Kensinglon Turbo Mouse Monuol o Poge l5

Image 8
Contents Page Chopfer Two Setting Up Chopter Three Using Turbo Mouse SoffworeChopter Four More Turbo Mouse Softwqre Options Brilliant CursorMini Control Panel Chopter Three Using Turbo Mouse Sofhrqre On-Screen Help Erilliant f,ur$or IlJ,llL tr-r Fursor Kegs Chonging Accelerqlion Onl1, to 1or-rrTurbo llouse trackballUsing Custom Accelerqtion Move the appropriate acceleration scroll box to the rightUstom Hrrel Eraph flrtiue Set tlefault Af,ustom HcrelerationLllhen mouing quirklg Lllhen mouing sloutlgIr.louse $feed Enhanred l+,lou*e Euttons Retur,nrto Sia optirns dm,fa*e,,*1&,iEnhonced Mouse Butlons Time-like playingSame time unnecessary +- Shitl kes Learn Send $tring38P.return Ilption keJKensington Turbo Mouse Monuql . Poge 2O Kensinglon Turbo Mouse Mqnuol o Poge 2l +ris-nlU, f *hifr Cursor KeysCombining Commonds Double-Click SpeedEhord Speed Enhqnced Chord Speed