Kensington 4 manual +ris-nlU, f *hifr, Cursor Keys

Page 15

Slow Cursor will

cause very slow, pre-

cise movement of

the cursor-you

can even move one

pixel at a time by pressing the arrorv

keys while Slow Cursor is activated.

Brilliant Cursor rvill snap the cursor to predefined HotSpots on the screen.

Chopler 3: Using Turbo Mouse Softwore

The Axis-Only command can be useful for placing objects in exact locations on screen, especially in drawing, graphics or page layout applications.

Cursor Keys

Cursor Keys are special commands that are executed when 1,ou hold donn one of the modifier keys on your keyboard, Shift, Option, Control,

Command, r,vhile simultaneously moving your mouse device. Cursor Key commands affect both Turbo Mouse and normal mouse devices.

The three commands are ,hown below: Slorv Cursor, Brilliant Cursor', and Axis-Only. They are identical to the commands in the pop-up menus of the Enhanced Mouse Buttons. The difference is that lvhen

a command is assigned to a button, it is active until a second button is pressed on the same device. \Aihen it is assigned to a modifier key, the

command is active only while you are pressing the modifier key, but it

affects all devices.

furstrr HEUs

$lnur fursor: trtrti*l

Brilliant f ursor: t* B€-l

H+ris-[nlU, f *hifr I

Axis-Only rvill restrain cursor movement to either the horizontal or vertical axis.

To use any of the Cursor Key commands, simply hold dorvn the appropriate modifier key and move the ball. When you release the modifier key for any of these commands, the command is stopped.

Kensinglon Turbo Mouse Monuol . Poge 22

Image 15
Contents Page Brilliant Cursor Chopfer Two Setting UpChopter Three Using Turbo Mouse Soffwore Chopter Four More Turbo Mouse Softwqre OptionsMini Control Panel On-Screen Help Chopter Three Using Turbo Mouse SofhrqreIlJ,llL tr-r Fursor KegsErilliant f,ur$or Onl1, to 1or-rrTurbo llouse trackball Chonging AccelerqlionMove the appropriate acceleration scroll box to the right Using Custom AccelerqtionLllhen mouing sloutlg Ustom Hrrel Eraph flrtiue Set tlefaultAf,ustom Hcreleration Lllhen mouing quirklgIr.louse $feed Time-like playing Enhanred l+,lou*e EuttonsRetur,nrto Sia optirns dm,fa*e,,*1&,i Enhonced Mouse ButlonsSame time unnecessary Ilption keJ +- Shitl kesLearn Send $tring 38P.returnKensington Turbo Mouse Monuql . Poge 2O Kensinglon Turbo Mouse Mqnuol o Poge 2l Cursor Keys +ris-nlU, f *hifrDouble-Click Speed Combining CommondsEnhqnced Chord Speed Ehord Speed