Chopier 3: Using Turbo Mouse Softrvore
or to move across large screens, or to move between screens when using
more than one monitor.
To change the acceleration for Turbo Mouse or normal mouse devices:
1. Move the appropriate acceleration scroll box to the right
to increase the speed at which the cursor moves on screen. Move it to the left to decrease cursor speed.
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2. For both Turbo Mouse and normal mouse devices there
are ten possible speed positions at this level.
The position farthest to the left of the scroll bar causes no acceleration (like the Tablet speed in the Apple mouse control panel). Refer to the Setting Custom Acceleration section that follows for more detailed infor- mation on custom acceleration.
Using Custom Accelerqtion
The Turbo Mouse software gives users of all abilities a variety of ways to adjust acceleration. In the main Turbo Mouse Control window, you can use the acceleration scroll bar to choose one of 10 positions. Clicking the Custom button takes you to another level of customization.
Kensington Turbo Mouse Monuol o Poge I4