Chopter Three Using Turbo Mouse Soffwore
Chopfer Two Setting Up
Chopter Four More Turbo Mouse Softwqre Options
Brilliant Cursor
Mini Control Panel
On-Screen Help
Chopter Three Using Turbo Mouse Sofhrqre
Fursor Kegs
IlJ,llL tr-r
Erilliant f,ur$or
Onl1, to 1or-rrTurbo llouse trackball
Chonging Accelerqlion
Move the appropriate acceleration scroll box to the right
Using Custom Accelerqtion
Af,ustom Hcreleration
Ustom Hrrel Eraph flrtiue Set tlefault
Lllhen mouing quirklg
Lllhen mouing sloutlg
Ir.louse $feed
Retur,nrto Sia optirns dm,fa*e,,*1&,i
Enhanred l+,lou*e Euttons
Enhonced Mouse Butlons
Time-like playing
Same time unnecessary
Learn Send $tring
+- Shitl kes
Ilption keJ
Kensington Turbo Mouse Monuql . Poge 2O
Kensinglon Turbo Mouse Mqnuol o Poge 2l
Cursor Keys
+ris-nlU, f *hifr
Double-Click Speed
Combining Commonds
Enhqnced Chord Speed
Ehord Speed