Highlighting Words |
| Finding Confusables™ |
Another way to look up words is by highlighting them in dictionary defini- tions, thesaurus entries, or word lists. Then you can find their definitions, the- saurus entries, Confusables, or add them to your User list.
1.At any text, press ENTER to start the highlight.
To turn the highlight off, press BACK .
2.Press the arrow keys to highlight a word.
3.Do one of the following:
define the word | ENTER |
view a thesaurus | THES | (red) |
entry |
view Confusables | ? ✻ |
add word to User list | LIST | (blue) |
Confusables are words that sound alike, but are spelled differently. If a word has Confusables, a question mark will flash once in the upper right of the screen.
1.Type a word (e.g., rein).
2.Press ENTER .
3.Press ? ✻ .
4.Press ENTER and then highlight a word.
5.Do one of the following:
define the word | ENTER |
view a thesaurus | THES | (red) |
entry |
view Confusables | ? ✻ |
add word to User list | LIST | (blue) |