3.Check for Update - takes the user to PDI Landing and checks the user's version against the most current available.
4.About - Displays detailed reference information: product version, release information, and product name.
5.Exit - Close SmartControll II. To run SmartControll II again either select SmartControll II from Program menu,
Task Tray Menu Disabled
When the Task Tray is disabled in the preference folder, only the EXIT selection is available. To completely remove SmartControll II from the task tray, disable Run at Startup in Options>Preferences.
Q1. What is the difference between SmartManage, SmartControl?
A. SmartManage is a remote management/control software for IT managers to manage monitors across the network
SmartControl is a control panel extension, which helps users to adjust monitor performances and settings by a software interface, instead of the hardware buttons at the front bezel of the monitors.
Q2. I change the monitor on a PC to a different one and the SmartControl becomes
A. Restart your PC and see if SmartControl can work. Otherwise, you will need to remove and