products for sale in the European Community.
Color temperature
A way of describing the color of a radiating source in terms of the temperature (in degrees Kelvin) of a black body radiating with the same dominant frequency as the source.
Most Philips monitors offer the possibility of setting the color temperature to any desired value.
The ratio between the brightness of the brightest and darkest parts of a picture. The darkest part of a picture is set by the brightness of the unexcited phosphor, which is governed by the degree with which ambient light is reflected. Contrast is therefore reduced in conditions of high ambient light levels. Black Matrix tubes reflect less ambient light so exhibit higher contrast than other tubes.
Convergence error
Bean misalignment causing one or more of the three beams passing through the wrong aperture in the shadow mask and striking a phosphor dot in the wrong triad.
Convergence error is expressed in mm often at three
Points where convergence error is specified.
Convergence-error correction
A method of correcting for convergence error to insure that all three beams land simultaneously in the same triad. This is usually accomplished by means of special