2.1USB Connector
The USB connector provides connection from the I2C adapter to a USB port on the host computer or
2.1.1 Virtual Communications Port (VCP)
The iPort DLL/USB provides a Virtual Communications Port (VCP) interface via a host computer driver. Application programs running on the host computer communicate with the iPort DLL/USB via the standard iPort DLL.
2.2+5VDC Power Jack
The iPort DLL/USB is a
2.3I2C Interface Connector
The I2C adapter includes a four wire, positive locking, modular receptacle connector (see Appendix A) for interfacing to an external I2C Bus. Lines provided include I2C Clock (SCL), I2C Data (SDA), Ground, and +5V.
Minimum wiring for I2C communications include I2C Clock, Data, and Ground.